MaxCain Lifetime

MaxCain (Chong YauFah)

Professional Translator From English into Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese (HongKong and Taiwan)and vice versa.

All whitepapers, Technical papers, Product Catalog, and documents Translations will be in the completed original version (e.g. PDF, Powerpoint)               

Professional Interpreter, Provide on-site translation services from English to Chinese and vice versa.

If you need my service, please contact me. [email protected] or [email protected] 

Additional informaton:


A brief introduction of myself:

I was born in Malaysia and received my education in Singapore. Being bilingual, I am fluent in both Chinese and English and have been fully trained in both Simplified and Traditional Chinese. After graduating from a polytechnic college in Singapore in Mechanical Engineering, I worked in the Robotic and Automation Industry in Singapore for several years. Later, I pursued further studies at the University of Surrey in England, where I obtained my MSc in AMMT (Advanced Manufacturing Management Technology).

Translation and interpretation have always been a passion of mine. During my free time, I frequently provided translation and interpretation services for Church Services and charitable organizations.

Since 2014, I have collaborated with over 90 companies on translation-related projects, including translation, interpretation, proofreading, LQA, and more. I have completed more than 200 projects, including over 70 technical papers and white papers. Feel free to explore my work in the "Folders" and "All Files" sections.





从年轻开始, 翻译和口译一直是我的兴趣所在,我每个周末大部分时间都在教堂服务和其他组织的慈善工作中进行例行的口译和笔译工作。

2014年,我接触了区块链行业,从那时起,我与90多家公司合作进行翻译工作, 超过200个项目,(超过70篇技术论文和白皮书)请随时在“文件夹”部分和“所有文件”部分中查看我的一些翻译作品记录。

如果您需要我的服务,请与我联系。 [email protected] or [email protected] 




從年輕開始, 翻譯和口譯一直是我的興趣所在,我每個週末大部分時間都在教堂服務和其他組織的慈善工作中進行例行的口譯和筆譯工作。

2014年,我接觸了區塊鏈行業,從那時起,我與90多家公司合作進行翻譯工作,超過200個項目.( 超過70篇技術論文和白皮書). 請隨時在“文件夾”部分和“所有文件”部分中查看我的一些翻譯作品記錄。

如果您需要我的服務,請與我聯繫。 [email protected]

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MaxCain (Chong YauFah)

Professional Translator From English into Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese (HongKong and Taiwan)and vice versa.

All whitepapers, Technical papers, Product Catalog, and documents Translations will be in the completed original version (e.g. PDF, Powerpoint)               

Professional Interpreter, Provide on-site translation services from English to Chinese and vice versa.

If you need my service, please contact me. [email protected] or [email protected] 

Additional informaton:


A brief introduction of myself:

I was born in Malaysia and received my education in Singapore. Being bilingual, I am fluent in both Chinese and English and have been fully trained in both Simplified and Traditional Chinese. After graduating from a polytechnic college in Singapore in Mechanical Engineering, I worked in the Robotic and Automation Industry in Singapore for several years. Later, I pursued further studies at the University of Surrey in England, where I obtained my MSc in AMMT (Advanced Manufacturing Management Technology).

Translation and interpretation have always been a passion of mine. During my free time, I frequently provided translation and interpretation services for Church Services and charitable organizations.

Since 2014, I have collaborated with over 90 companies on translation-related projects, including translation, interpretation, proofreading, LQA, and more. I have completed more than 200 projects, including over 70 technical papers and white papers. Feel free to explore my work in the "Folders" and "All Files" sections.





从年轻开始, 翻译和口译一直是我的兴趣所在,我每个周末大部分时间都在教堂服务和其他组织的慈善工作中进行例行的口译和笔译工作。

2014年,我接触了区块链行业,从那时起,我与90多家公司合作进行翻译工作, 超过200个项目,(超过70篇技术论文和白皮书)请随时在“文件夹”部分和“所有文件”部分中查看我的一些翻译作品记录。

如果您需要我的服务,请与我联系。 [email protected] or [email protected] 




從年輕開始, 翻譯和口譯一直是我的興趣所在,我每個週末大部分時間都在教堂服務和其他組織的慈善工作中進行例行的口譯和筆譯工作。

2014年,我接觸了區塊鏈行業,從那時起,我與90多家公司合作進行翻譯工作,超過200個項目.( 超過70篇技術論文和白皮書). 請隨時在“文件夾”部分和“所有文件”部分中查看我的一些翻譯作品記錄。

如果您需要我的服務,請與我聯繫。 [email protected]
